While Kami was waiting, a couple of lvl 60-something alliance, flagged for PvP were in the SM lobby. She kept them pretty much continually sapped, while she called in the cavalry. Soon after Shado and I returned, Witchdocta, Fealty and Shyven arrived to give the alliance scum their due. It was great fun.
After camping the alliance corpses for a short time a raid group was formed, and all six of us went into the Cathedral. I didn't know it was possible to go with six, but in we went.
It was a blast. Thanks to our high level guildmates, it was easy too. They would aggro tons of mobs at a time and we (mostly they) would mow them down. I did die once, but Fealty brought
I wish I had taken screenshots during some of the action, but I didn't. I do have a few from our fun and frolicking afterwards though.
Thanks to all of you for the fun last night, and Shadorath, I hope to see you on the guild roster soon!! = D
Edit: Ha! I didn't realize until I read this that Shyven was one of those (Azure) that had dropped out of our earlier group. Or that Azure was being camped. I feel so dumb !! I do have vent, but don't usually use it cuz my wife is sleeping three feet away.
= P
1 comment:
Love your interface - inenvitable add-on questions follow!
Can you please tell me what you are using to display:
1) Your unitframe (with the playermodel and armour info underneath)
2) Your (I'm guessing) target frame and health bars (Kamikiiro information)
Also, the blue glowy thing at the top - is that your XP strip? if so, what is it?
Thanks for the posts, always enjoy reading them
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