And its brought two big changes to my play: My mount and shadowform. This is my first skeletal horse mount. I think they are awesome looking. I chose blue. Running around gets very tiring, especially the closer to level 40 you get, so I am very relieved to be able to ride. It makes things so much quicker. I also got to play in shadowform for the first time & it is very pleasant. Kills come much quicker and easier, and I can face higher level mobs with confidence.
The mount and shadowform sure seemed to quicken things last night. I played less than two hours and gained the entire level (70k-plus XP and with only 5%rest bonus when I started), and finished six quests in Arathi Highlands that netted me from 3.5-5.5k XP each. I only grouped once, with another kindly priest, for less than 5 minutes to kill Mazrel for the quest we were both working on when we ran into each other in Stormguard Keep.
I'm looking forward to speeding along as a shadowy priest. Cya.
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