I've been playing World of Warcraft for nearly two years, and my kids (now 13, 11 and 8) have grown more computer literate over that time. At first they would just watch me play. Then they would suggest where to go, what to do, and give advice. Then they had fun just creating new characters. And now they have started adventuring on their own - when I'm not playing that is. They have several characters progressing into their teens, use my bank alts (when on my servers), and are exploring different servers (PVP in particular). My son (11 year old) loves to duel, which is something I never really got into. Their playtime is extremely limited because of other activities, but it is fun to help them out and watch them enjoy the game. I also find it interesting that to them, playing World of Warcraft is as natural as emailing, AIM-ing, and getting their school assignments online. They find it hard to comprehend that there were no such things as computers when I was growing up. LOL!
My main playing time is after their bedtime, and on most nights I have to ask them to get in bed when I realize they still are watching over my shoulder. They complain to me and their mother, saying that its not fair that I get to stay up and play WoW. I guess Dad's DO have certain privileges . . .
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