All I can do is keep my fingers crossed, and keep my eye on the Mazzle forums. If it doesn't work with the patch, I'll have to re-learn the general World of Warcraft interface. {:-(
Update: Some on the forum said it works pretty well if you download the Ace2 update.
Update2: June 2, 2007. At this point, Mazzle works properly on only my higher level toons. It has to do with bongos and how mazzle compresses the bars that do not yet contain spell/talent buttons. Because the low level toons have a lot of empty bar buttons, it screws things up. I don't mind no mazzle on my AH/bank mule, and the kids don't seem to mind playing their low-level characters without it. Hopefully Mazz will be able to fix the issue soon. From the forum, it seems this problem only happens with Macs. :-(
From last few year I've been using an Addon Compilation called MazzleUI, I am totally addicted to this and can't live without this movie.
wow gold
good post
Good day :)
Which are the better and most used mmorpg and also role-play game games of the year 2010 and may be played for this year?
If it is possible inform me what amount of players play in mmorpg's as well as in case of rpg's tell methe system spec as well as some web-site where there is rankings of these games may be specified(same applies to mmorpg to).
Many thanks !
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