So . . . we decided to head out and maybe try the graveyard at least. Once the group was there, we decided to see how far we could get through the Library. Aquavite sheeped and DPS'd, I tanked, and Palatinus healed, buffed, sealed & judged, and jumped in with me to whack away.
It surprised me how well we did with only a three-man group. Even when we pulled three or four at a time, we seemed to handle it pretty well. We did wipe twice when we accidentally pulled a whole bunch or were surprised by a patrol (I'm not sure which).

We laughed about how all the mobs respawned, but none of the chests had (lesson learned: if the mobs have respawned, you should go ahead and reset the instance, so the loot will too).
We ended up making it to Doan and finishing him off. I died, because Doan sheeped the healer, but I watched from above my corpse as they finished him
off with great style. I was quickly rezzed and we celebrated our three-man victory.
It was one of the most fun instance runs I've had, and I was pleasantly surprised that three appropriate level players could pull it off.
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