Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The Music of World of Warcraft

I've always loved the WoW music. Thank you Jason Hayes. I bought the CD from Blizzard, put it on my iPod, use it as background music in my office, etc., etc.

I have three kids, all play the violin. My oldest (13) is in first chair of her school orchestra. I attended their Spring Concert last week, and the musical selection was - sorry to say - quite BORING. I love classical music, especially the violin repertoire, but this stuff was sleepersville. I couldn't help thinking to myself that if I were the musical director I would throw some WoW music into the program. It's exciting, would be fun for the kids, not too difficult, and you could even pull the school chorus/choir into the concert.

Then today I saw this article: World of Warcraft promotion at PLAY! concert in San Jose. It is about a touring orchestra playing video game music (particularly WoW music). Has anyone seen World of Warcraft music performed? I think it would be great.


obie said...

I really like you story. My band at my school really wants to play the song legends so if you please email the music if you have it to me at

World of Warcraft Gold Guide said...

wow gold guide